Shower Doors

Glass Shower Doors

East Idaho Glass can help homeowners with all of their Rexburg Idaho shower door installation needs. Whether one is looking for a traditional shower stall or is interested in the new, exciting Euro shower doors, our knowledgeable staff of professionals can do the installation work at an affordable price while still offering great customer service. The first step is deciding what type of glass shower doors in Rexburg Idaho will work best for one’s own individual needs.


Framed Shower Doors

A framed shower door is a more traditional design when it comes to enclosing the bathing area. These shower doors use composite or aluminum frames to surround the sheets of textured or tapered glass that comprise the shower surround. Framed shower doors can still be stylish when specially coated to create the look of a bronze, chrome, gold, or nickel finish. They look at home in both contemporary and classic bathrooms. The frames not only surround the operable parts of the shower door but also hold the sides, joints, bottom, and top in place. East Idaho Glass will make sure the shower door is installed correctly with any magnetic hardware, sweeps, or seals needed to create a watertight enclosure. Contact us for a quote.

Frameless Shower Doors

The new Euro shower doors are becoming a popular trend in bathrooms across the country due to their sleek, modern design. In contrast to the traditional framed shower door, frameless designs have a fresh new look and feel. East Idaho Glass will ensure the proper glass shower door installation with special pivots that offer structural support for the heavy duty glass used in this style of enclosure. All operable parts are free of metal which leaves a clean look to any bath area. There may be some metal tracks or frames needed in other parts of the enclosure for additional support, but the overall look of these doors will be open and spacious.

Once a homeowner decides exactly what type of shower doors in Rexburg, ID will work best in their home, contact the professionals at East Idaho Glass for our shower door installation services. You will be pleased with the services offered by the knowledgeable staff as well as the great customer service.

Contact us to learn more about our quality Rexburg shower doors.


3379 E 500 N, Lewisville, ID 83431

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm  |  Sat & Sun: Closed